Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekly Summary 9/20/15-9/26/15 - 2 weeks to Chicago


2 weeks to Chicago Marathon

I typically do a three week taper for marathons. This was the first week of my taper, and after pushing myself to get through a hard 80 mile week, I was definitely looking forward to a lighter week. To start the week I had planned for an easy 6 miles on Sunday following my 26 mile long run the day before, but I was feeling pretty banged up and tired so I decided a complete rest day would be best.

For the last few weeks I have been experiencing a soreness in my heel. I thought it was just tender or bruised, but I am beginning to think it might be the dreaded plantar fasciitis. In my 20+ years of running, I have never had this problem. So far the pain comes and goes, and it has not prevented me from running, but it is a concern. I will continue to ice, massage and stretch with hopes that I can get through these last two weeks of training and the race without any issues. I'll deal with it after Chicago if I need to.

Sunday - Rest

Monday - 5 miles easy
Tuesday - 7 miles @ 7:00 pace
Wednesday - 9 miles w/4 miles at 6:29 goal pace
Thursday - 5 miles easy
Friday - 7 miles @ 6:29 goal pace
Saturday - 16 miles @ 7:15 avg. pace 
Weekly total:  49 miles

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekly Summary 9/13/15-9/19/15


3 weeks to Chicago Marathon
This week was the highest mileage week in my training cycle, and the highest weekly miles I have done in any training cycle. While most marathon programs don't have you running more than a few 20/22 milers, I typically include many 20+ training runs all the way up to 26, and this cycle was no different. I ran 7 20+ runs including three 24's and a 26 miler this weeks. After struggling to break three hours three marathons in a row, missing by only seconds, it wasn't until I added a 26 mile run into my training that I was able to break 3 hours, and this approach has worked well for me since.

This cycle I also wanted to up my overall mileage by adding longer mid-week runs. With my schedule it was a challenge to get more miles in during the work week, and many days I had to run twice a day to do so, but I've I've put in more quality miles, and I'm hoping this will translate to a PR performance at Chicago.

Sunday - 12 miles
Monday - 5 miles easy
Tuesday - 7 miles @ goal pace
Wednesday - 5 miles fartlek
Thursday - 15 miles (run 1: 10 miles @goal pace, run 2: 5 miles easy)
Friday - 10 miles @ 7:00 pace
Saturday - 26.2 miles @ 7:45 avg. pace 
Weekly total:  80.2 miles

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekly Summary 9/6/15-9/12/15 & New Haven Road Race

Sunday - 3 miles
Monday - 13.4 miles (1 mile warm up, 12.4 mile/20k race - see summary below)
Tuesday - 5 miles easy, strength: chest, legs & core
Wednesday - 10 (run 1: 7 miles @ 7:00 pace, run 2: 3 miles including 4X800 @ 2:50)
Thursday - 12 miles (run 1: 7 miles 7:30 pace, run 2: 5 miles 7:30 pace)
Friday - 5 miles (6:29 pace), strength: back, legs & core
Saturday - 24 miles (7:30 pace with 6 miles @ 6:29 marathon goal pace)
Weekly total:  72.4 miles

Post New Haven Road Race with Team HMF team mates.

New Have Road Race 20k Summary:

Last year was my first year running this race, and it was my first shot at this distance. It was a super hot and humid day and I suffered through it, but I ended up finishing in 1:16:00 which landed me third in my age group. I went on from there to a PR at the Hartford Marathon, so I thought I'd give it another try since I'm in the same point in my training for the Chicago Marathon this year. It was another hot day, but not nearly as humid as last year, so I was looking to improve on last year's time, and to finish top three in my age group. I felt good throughout the race, finishing in 1:14:40, and first in my age group. Hoping this is an indication of good things to come in Chicago.


Peak training week maxing out at 80 miles.

4 weeks to Chicago Marathon.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Weekly Summary 8/23/15-9/5/15

Sunday - 9.3 miles
Monday - 5 miles (recovery), strength: back, legs & core
Tuesday - 7 miles (fartlek), strength: shoulders, legs & core
Wednesday - Rest day
Thursday - 10 miles (6:29 marathon goal pace), strength: biceps, legs & core
Friday - 8 miles (7:00 pace)
Saturday - 21.15 miles (7:29 pace with 6 miles @ 6:29 marathon goal pace)
Weekly total:  60.45 miles


Sunday - 10 miles
Monday - 5 miles, strength: chest, legs & core
Tuesday - 10 miles - run 1: 7 miles (fartlek), run 2: 3 miles on track (including 4X800's @ 2:50) strength: shoulders, legs & core
Wednesday -  10 miles - run 1: 6.75 miles, run 2: 3.25 miles
Thursday - 7 miles (marathon goal pace 6:29), strength: biceps, legs & core
Friday - 5.25 miles
Saturday - 10 miles
Weekly total: 57.25 miles


Monday 9/7: New Haven 20k Road Race. Tune up race for Chicago Marathon, and 20k national Championship.

5 weeks to Chicago Marathon.